The Sicarii is the template for ISIL, gangs, revolutions, terrorism and assassins

First 2 Scripts, Jake being the former of all things both in Jeremiah 51:19 & 10:16 same verse copied. What is the Sicarii? They were guerilla style assassins and protectors of Palestine during the Roman Edomite control of Israel, including during the southern kingdom's 3 wars with Rome the Edomites from the 1st 66 AD (more famous at 70 AD) to the last (3rd) at 135 AD. They didn't just fight their enemies, this case the Romans but also sellouts to the community also.

Israelites today being under captivity and controlled still have that Sicarii influence but most don't know it. We call it gangs, Yakuza, mafia and contra revolutionaries the ORIGINAL FORM not the current form that was infiltrated by Satanist sellouts and now is somewhat useless. Look at dark Judah (AA/negroes), Black Panther Party arm Jake and help the community, that pacifist stuff doesn't work against Esau. Many street gangs like the Crips got influences from them because Civil Rights died off and there's still problems, Jake still needed protection from the police and Esau so they were there to kill and intimidate Esau. Passing/pale/light Judah consisted of the mafia which is a Arabic word by the Moors meaning freedom. Freedom and protection from the Germanic purer white Edomites of the north who abused and enslaved them they took this to America too. Guidos needed protection from them so the mafia formed and came to do its job to take out the oppressor. Ephraim has the Latin Kings, it was to fight for the independence of Puerto Rico. Asher in Columbia has FARC it was originally to fight for and protect farmers from abuse by their government, then others like the poor joined in. Gad the Amerindians raided homesteads of the invading white man who was murdering their people while migrating westward. Gad of Japan has 2, most famous was 47 Ronin who took out the Emperor by doing it in stealth and innovative planning and the Yakuza was to fight for the poor and different caste against the Japanese leadership during colonial period who sold out to the white man for weapons and peace, they carried out secretive missions to assassinate their enemies. Zebulon has MS-13 to fight for the poor and protect its citizens. The Gullah Wars during slavery in the USA is almost an exact copy of the original Sicarii. Add the Sicarii hid their weapons, the dagger, today we see Jakes hiding their blades and so forth which Esau calls it concealed weapons and create the medal detector and every other detector.

And other nations copied off of the Sicarii, the Muslim Hashashin what we call today assassins to today its terror groups like Hamas, ISIL, Muslim Brotherhood & Hezbollah. American revolution for independence did the same tactics, spying & terrorism which many learned & got from Gad. How the Soviets took Tzarist Russia by surprisingly assassinating key officials. What we see today with the prepper movement and so on.


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